Novo instantâneo do PascalSCADA

Olá a todos!

Estou feliz em anunciar o novo instantâneo do PascalSCADA, liberado hoje.

Esta versão contem correção dos bugs encontrados no último ano e novos recursos, do qual se destacam controles baseados em SVG. Sim, vetoriais, baseados nos arquivos gerados Inkscape, graças ao suporte adicionado a vetores pela biblioteca BGRABitmap.  Ela tem alguns bugs (principalmente desenhando paths, como por exemplo linhas e polígonos), porém é um recurso com um futuro promissor. Assim que possível, vou escrever um pequeno guia ensinando como usar este novo recurso.

Você pode fazer o download do novo instantâneo aqui e para instalar basta seguir as instruções listadas aqui.

13 comentários em “Novo instantâneo do PascalSCADA

  1. Husin Alkatiri Responder


    i already download latest PascalScada snapshot (pascalscada_0.7.3_20160726.tar.bz2).
    i try to build it on Delphi 2010 and it’s failed.
    some error found.

    – collections in ‘src\common\collections.pas’, collecions.pas is missing)

    – in Tag.pas
    getting result
    [DCC Error] tag.pas(970): E2003 Undeclared identifier: ‘Application’

    – in Tag.pas
    function TTag.IndexOf(List: TTagNotificationList; aHandler: TNotifyEvent
    ): Integer;
    c: Integer;
    if aHandlernil then
    for c:=0 to High(List) do begin
    if (TMethod(List[c]).Code=TMethod(aHandler).Code) and (TMethod(List[c]).Data=TMethod(aHandler).Data) then begin
    getting result
    [DCC Error] tag.pas(978): E2035 Not enough actual parameters

    – TFormatDateTimeOptions
    [DCC Error] protocoltypes.pas(262): E2003 Undeclared identifier: ‘TFormatDateTimeOptions’

    – TTagList = specialize TFPGList;
    [DCC Error] protocoldriver.pas(30): E2003 Undeclared identifier: ‘specialize’
    [DCC Error] protocoldriver.pas(30): E1030 Invalid compiler directive: ‘TFPGList’

    maybe more error will found

    just courious how to build it in Delphi 2010 … can you help me ? because i very very love this pascal scada.


    • Fabio Luis Girardi Autor do postResponder

      Hi Mr Alkatiri

      Delphi support on latest PascalSCADA versions are missing, because I don’t have much time to test it on Delphi and because Lazarus is my default IDE on last years.

      Patches are another point: Delphi users don’t send patches of their changes. Feedback of Delphi users is very poor.

      The last point is that the last PascalSCADA versions uses more and more features of Lazarus and freepascal, becoming hard to make it functional on Delphi. Examples of this are the fgl unit (generics) and BGRABitmap.

      But, if want make some patches to get PascalSCADA working on Delphi, please contact me.

      (Sorry by the reply in parts, I losed my reply text 3 times this this morning)

      • David Responder

        Hi Fabio,

        I’d like to make PascalSCADA usable for Delphi Tokyo… but as Husin pointed out, collections.pas file is missing. It’s not even in the tar.bz2…

        It’s disappointing, because it look pretty cool and I wanted to give it a try, I’m actually using Kassl dOPC Client Toolkit for Delphi, but there aren’t demos like yours.

        Thank you.

        • Fabio Luis Girardi Autor do postResponder

          Hi David!

          Will be harder to port PascalSCADA in the current state to make it work again with Delphi, since I used many features that only exists in FreePascal. An example is the keyword “specialize” used together with generics, that I don’t know if it exists in Delphi, and I use it a lot.

          About unit collections.pas, I suspect that it’s (again) a unit of Lazarus/Freepascal, or in the previous versions of PascalSCADA it’s a copy of Lazarus/Freepascal collections.pas unit.

          If you want, I can help you with errors that happens while you are porting it to Delphi. If you will do that, I recommend starts by pascalscada.lpk and pascalscada_common.lpk, since pascalscada_hmi have some dependencies (BGRABitmap and BGRAControls that aren’t created and maintained by me).

  2. Rudi Responder

    Hi Fabio, Would you test in Delphi XE again for pascalscada, and update again for the scada component.

    Because much my last project with pascalscada with delphi 7 and now I will upgrade in delphi XE.


  3. Fabio Luis Girardi Autor do postResponder

    Hi @Rudi!

    The last version of PascalSCADA will not work on Delphi because of the heavy dependency of BGRABitmap and FreePascal Generics. Even if I cut off some features will not make it works on Delphi XE.

  4. Rudi Santoso Responder

    Yes Fabio thanks.
    Maybe you can create different version for delphi and FreePascal. we just need Pascal Protocol, PascalPort, PascalTags, Pascal HCI and Zeos Connection. That is very usefull.

    And maybe you can add again Pascal HMI for HMI button.

  5. Francesco Responder

    I tried to compile the latest version of Pascal scada on Lazarus 1.8.0 (from your DEB) with Linux operating system.
    I receive this error and I can not solve:
    bgratext.pas(361,30) Error: Identifier not found “lpNoGUI”
    How can I solve?
    Thank you

  6. Roberto Della Pasqua Responder

    Hello Fabio,

    thanks for pascalscada,

    however I have troubles using latest stable fpc+lazarus (3.04, 18.2):
    – using forms with components works fine
    – using a console app, with components dropped into a tdatamodule, they don’t works
    I’m using directly the methods .READ and .WRITEDIRECT, setting the mem address, size, and data type at runtime
    Can you suggest me a solution?
    Best regards

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